About Study Abroad Programme

The Study Abroad Program (SAP) at Gujarat University, established in 2006, offers students a unique opportunity to broaden their academic horizons by immersing themselves in diverse cultures and educational environments around the world. Founded on the principles of global engagement and cultural exchange, our program aims to foster international understanding and collaboration among students, faculty, and institutions.

We believe in the importance of exposing students to different perspectives, languages, and academic methodologies to prepare them for success in an increasingly interconnected world. Through our program, students can enhance their academic experience by studying at renowned universities and institutions worldwide while earning credits that seamlessly transfer back to their home institution.

Our program caters to students from various disciplines and academic backgrounds, offering a wide range of study options to suit individual interests and goals. Whether students are interested in studying languages, exploring new research opportunities, or gaining hands-on experience through internships, our program provides the support and resources needed to make their study abroad experience both enriching and rewarding.


1. To enhance students' academic knowledge through international study opportunities.

2. To promote cultural exchange and foster a deeper understanding of global perspectives.

3. To support students in gaining practical experience and skills relevant to their fields of study.

4. To facilitate seamless credit transfer between partner institutions and Gujarat University.

5. To empower students to become globally-minded citizens capable of addressing global challenges.


To cultivate globally-minded citizens through immersive academic and cultural experiences, preparing them to excel in an interconnected and diverse world.


To provide students with transformative study abroad experiences that enhance their academic knowledge, cultural understanding, and personal growth. By partnering with renowned universities and institutions worldwide, we aim to offer comprehensive support and resources, ensuring a rewarding and seamless integration of international study into students' academic journeys.

Best Practices

  • Academic Excellence: Partnering with renowned universities and institutions to ensure high-quality academic experiences.
  • Cultural Immersion: Encouraging students to engage with local cultures and communities to enhance their understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives.
  • Comprehensive Support: Providing thorough pre-departure orientation, ongoing support during the study abroad period, and assistance with credit transfer upon return.
  • Personal Growth: Offering opportunities for students to develop independence, adaptability, and cross-cultural communication skills.
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Building strong relationships with international institutions to facilitate student exchange and collaborative research opportunities.
  • Safety and Well-being: Prioritizing the health, safety, and well-being of students through robust support systems and emergency protocols.

Hosting Foreign Scholars

The Study Abroad Program also welcomes foreign scholars to study in various courses offered by Gujarat University. With over 65 departments, the university provides a wide range of academic opportunities for international students. The center acts as a facilitator, bridging the gap between foreign/international students and the university, ensuring a smooth and enriching academic experience for all participants.

Embark on a transformative journey with the Study Abroad Program at Gujarat University and discover the world while pursuing your academic passions.

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